We are SO excited to reach out to you about this offer—and today’s the day, it’s finally here! Are you ready for these spooky good deals?
- Boo-TIFUL Instant Radiance Facial The mood: All ghouls deserve it 50min.| $85
- Vanilla Chantilly Body Renew Massage The mood: Feelin’ Toasty 60min. | $85 + tax 90min. | $115 +tax
- Apple Harvest Moon Bubblemask Massage The mood: Experiencing the lighter side of Fall 60min. | $85 + tax 90min. | $115 + tax
- Red Hot Apple Toddy Manicure & Pedicure The mood: Time to get toasty
- Hot Buttered Rum Pedicure The mood: Heel yeah! 50min. | $55
- Carve out time for our Pumpkin Pie Plumping Lip Whip Treatment The mood: Sealed with a kiss 15min. treatment with any massage or facial | $15
Reserve your appointment today! Call our receptionist at 609-845-3161. Specials now valid through December 1st.